精美网页设计 + 网站维护配套 Website Development + Maintenance Value Pack

Product Description

第一个月只需付 RM2,400 就能拥有自己品牌的官方网站*
The first month you ONLY need to pay RM2400 to get a NEW Website!*

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Webian Multimedia

Webian Multimedia

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First Month Have To Pay


第一个月只需付 RM2,400 就能拥有自己品牌的官方网站*

The first month you ONLY need to pay RM2400 to get a NEW Website!*


* 不包括购物车功能
* eCommerce Features are not included 


之后每个月的费用只需付 RM500 ,就有人管理与维护网站的系统了!

After the first month, ONLY need to pay RM500 to continue enjoy our website maintenance services

First Month Entitled

  • 免费一年的 domain & hosting
    FREE 1-year domain & hosting
  • 6 个网页
    6 web pages 
  • 客制化网页设计 (不会和别家公司的网页设计一样)
    Custom layout
  • 免费 SEO 工具
    FREE SEO tool
  • 设定网站后台防火墙
    Setup security firewall
  • 置入官方社交媒体链接
    Social integration
  • 设定 Google 网站用户追踪功能
    Setup Google tracking
  • 设定 FB Live chat
    Setup FB live chat
  • 后台登入管理系统
    Access & control
  • 1 个月的标准网站系统维护服务
    1-month standard website support


Second Month Onward

  • 无限制次数的 Bug Fixes 服务
    Unlimited Bug Fixes
  • 网站系统健康检测
    Website Health Check
  • 系统与插件保持在最新的状态
    WordPress Core & Plugins Update (Every 14 Days)
  • 24 小时网站在线观察系统
    24/7 Website Uptime Monitoring
  • 自动网站系统安全侦测
    Automated Security Check
  • 网站流量报告
    Advanced Client Report (Every 30 Days)
  • 主题或 PHP 版本安全更新
    Theme & PHP Updates
  • 病毒移除
    Malware Removal Included
  • 每月 60 分钟网站内容更新服务
    60 Mins Per Month Website Updates for Content, Images, Banner, etc

Why you need a website?


1. 提高你的品牌形象 Enhance company brand image

当你有了一个精美的网站,展示给你的顾客看。会让你的顾客瞬间觉得你们是一个专业的团队,不只是在 Facebook 开免费户口的小商家。

A beautiful website reflects your identity, your image, your quality.


2. 行走的公司简介 (Company Profile) Digital Company Profile


网站只需要有网络有手机,就可以随时随地的浏阅览你的公司最新的资讯了。不像传统的 Company Profile 有数量上的限制,网站可以无限量的浏览(当然要看你买的 Hosting 有多大啦)。

Website is a broader way to show your existence and information anywhere anytime especially in this smartphone and internet era. Unlike the traditional promoting method such as printing and flyers that allows a limited number or certain areas of coverage only.


3. 收集客户的资料 Collect customer data


可以设立一个 Sign Up 表格,让客户提供他们的 email 以定期发送新的资讯给他们。也可以设立一个客户资料表格,让他们在对你的服务有兴趣下留下他们的个人资料。

Build a sign-up form at the bottom of the homepage to collect visitor emails. Or use the contact form to collect prospective client info.


4. SEO 的必备工具 SEO required tool 


SEO 就是搜索引擎优化 (Search Engine Optimisation) 的英文简写,你是不能优化你的 Facebook Post 给 Google 的;但是你能优化你的网站给 Google 的,让你的顾客在 Google 也有可能找到你。

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is a method of how Google analyses your website content to decide how relevant your content is to their search tools. SEO will play a very important role in defining your website ranking/placement on Google Search based on your identity keywords.


5. 把流量变现金 Turn Traffic into Profit



When your website hits a certain target of traffic daily, you can start using the benefit of traffic for profit. You can modify your website into a more complete online shopping site that allows direct order and payment if your website is focusing more on products, or you can plug in an advertisement board on your website blog page for some income if your website is more informative.


6. 可以做追踪广告  Retargeting ads with website


你有没有发现到,当你 click 了一个广告后或浏览某个网站后。关于那个品牌的广告就会一直出现在你的 Facebook 里呢?因为这是这个品牌透过安装 Facebook Pixel 来追踪你是否浏览过他的网站,然后再对你们进行二次行销。

You might be wondering why social media always shows the same brand advertisement on your feed after visiting the website once. This is Facebook Pixel used by the website to track users that have visited their website previously and further advertise on the selected group.

Why Webian


我们制作了 112 个网站或网店
We build more than 112 websites

我们设计了超过 2.3K 以上的网页
We designed more than 2,3k webpages

我们服务过 92 个马来西亚和新加坡的商家
We served more than 92 Malaysia and Singapore clients

我们拥有超过 5+ 年的网站设计经验
We have more than 5 years of experience in website development